
Welcome to 9 seconds into OT.

On here you'll find a number of different topics on different subjects concerning sports (mainly hockey.) I won't be adhering to any kind of consistent schedule as I get my footing, so expect mainly editorials, articles on the obscure oh hockey history, and or discussions on current events.

Why is it called 9 seconds into OT? It's a reference to the fastest overtime goal in NHL playoff history, scored by Brian Skrudland 9 seconds into OT.

I've been a fan of hockey since I was at least 6 years old, and I have been attempting (and sometimes failing, hey we aren't all perfect) to get better at journalism style writing.

Most conversations I attempt to have regarding hockey end up with most not knowing what I'm talking about, so I took up writing about sports as a way to express my opinions and love for the obscure of hockey history.

Whether your a fan of the current NHL, the past NHL, or the quite frankly bizarre of the NHL, hopefully I can satiate you with this blog.

Enjoy (hopefully).


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